Sunday, August 13, 2006

Israel: Meet your Jimmy Clinton

During most of 1979 and 1980 ΛΕΟΝΙΔΑΣ was cruising in Spanish speaking Mexico and Central America. The Iranian hostage crisis was often a subject brought up in conversation with our hosts in Mexico, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama and Honduras. Invariably those who spoke to us on the subject were astonished at the lack of "huevos" demonstrated by the Carter Administration. The world is now reaping the results of that pusillanimous behavior. The following article illustrates the point precisely.

By Steven Sanders 8 12 06

Here in the U.S. we’ve had our share of questionable leaders from time-to-time. They arise, do their work, and then hopefully go away without causing too much long-term damage. In a country such as ours, the effects are usually minimal on a long-term scale.

Jimmy Carter was the first U.S. president to face the threat of Islamo-Fascism. He became the first U.S. leader to confront a radical Muslin regime, in Iran. His answer? Weakness. Don’t threaten, negotiate, slowly increase the pressure. Did it work with Iran? Hardly. We were seen as weak and incompetent in the region. The hostages being released only after Ronald Regan took office.

William Jefferson Clinton stood down no less than seven direct attacks by Islamo-Fascists on our strategic national interests and Country, killing numerous Americans. His answer: slow, deliberate, incremental action, sponsored by the U.N., which only emboldened and elevated the terrorists leaders. Cruise missiles against Bin-Laden, retreat in Somalia. Withdrawal and caution, the hallmarks of his term. The result? Empowerment. Al-Quaeda remained in-place, stronger than ever. Bin-Laden a hero.

Enter Ehud Olmert, an IDF journalist and a lawyer, a career politician. A man who finds himself as the prime minister of Israel at crucial point for the country. Ascending to power through the unfortunate ailment of Ariel Sharon. Hezbollah challenges him by capturing 2 IDF soldiers and killing several others. His reaction: caution, air power, limited ground invasion. The result: a U.N. cease-fire, Hezbollah remains, U.N. troops return, status quo. A tie.

A “Tie” is okay for the U.S. in the big picture world of global politics. After all, we’re separated by oceans. For Israel in the Middle-East, a tie carries a harsher price. It smells of weakness and invites further aggression.

I pray for the 10-13 year old Israeli children who will one day soon have to fight another war against Hezbollah; a war brought to you courtesy of “Jimmy-Clinton politics” and Olmert’s “tie”.


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