By Jim Campbell
The vast majority of people seem confused about violence on both practical and idealogical grounds.
Practically, it is impossible to remove the *ability* for human
beings to inflict harm upon one another. Deprived of a rifle, a human
intending harm will simply find other means: a knife, a pipe, a pressure
cooker, a truck, acid, even sticks and stones, and, if necessary, fists
and feet.
This is an unfortunate, yet undeniable fact of the universe. Humans
can be incredibly creative in their efforts to harm each other.
The one thing that seems to give predatory humans pause is the
possibility of defense in the form of violent counterattack. Everywhere
in the Animal Kingdom, predation occurs primarily on the weak and
defenseless. Only a desperate predator will risk attack on a strong
target that can defend itself. Humans are no different.
Most people supporting “gun control” measures, and now “knife
control” measures in the UK, are living in childish denial of this basic
reality of the human condition. (A smaller group are not in denial of
anything, but seek to turn the population into defenseless subjects.)
Before discussing the solution, an important clarification is necessary:
Not all violence is morally equal or even practically unacceptable.
The kind of violence that should be of concern to decent people is
called AGGRESSION. Aggression is violence directed toward an innocent
person who is minding their own business. Defensive violence is not a
problem. In fact, even those who most staunchly oppose people’s right to
arm themselves accept that defensive violence is required to deal with
aggression. These people simply believe that defensive violence should
only be allowed by a small group of people, typically the police. I will
discuss this position later when I address the ideological
misunderstandings on this subject. For now, all that is necessary is to
see that nearly all people make a distinction between aggressive
violence and defensive violence. The problem decent people face is
aggression, not violence. The problem is not “gun violence” or even “gun
aggression”. The problem is aggressive violence, by whatever means.
Many people with a specific political goal deliberately confuse this
If we accept the obvious reality that a human being dedicated to harming others will find a way, then what can be done?
The only thing that can be done is to make ourselves and other decent
human beings stronger. We must be rational adults and accept that
predators can not be made safe by depriving them of the MEANS to harm,
because an intelligent human dedicated to harming another person will
ALWAYS be able to find means in some form. That is to say, we can not
rid the world of aggression. Instead, we must accept radical
responsibility for our own safety and the safety of other decent,
innocent, people around us.
Technology provides decent people with the means to become stronger.
With modest effort, even the physically smallest and weakest person can
become quite strong, and a threat to deliver overwhelming defensive
violence, making them very unattractive to human predators. This
technology, of course, is the firearm. Study after study shows that when
decent people are armed, or may be armed, then aggressive violence
drops. A population where a small but significant number of people MAY
be armed, but it is unknown to an assailant whether a particular
individual is armed, as is the case in jurisdictions with “concealed
carry” laws, see the highest reduction in violent crime. These are
established facts.
In the 1800’s, the Colt Single-Action Army Pistol was called “The
Equalizer”, because equipped with this technology, an otherwise
physically weaker or slower person was equal to their bigger, stronger,
faster aggressor. Women, who on average are about half the strength of a
man, should give this some special consideration.
Consider that when only one nation possessed nuclear weapons, they
were used. Since there has been the threat of overwhelming defensive
violence, so-called “mutually assured destruction”, they have not. Many
geopolitical strategists are concerned that one nation may develop the
technical capability to launch a successful first attack that destroys
the target nation’s ability to respond. This is called “nuclear
primacy”. It is a concern because it removes the threat of defensive
violence. It is exactly this concern of counter attack that has
protected humanity for fifty years.
This, then, is the practical solution for dealing with aggressive violence:
1. Accept that it is impossible to eliminate the means to inflict harm.
2. Accept that some people will seek to harm others.
3. Create in yourself and other decent people the ability to respond to predators with overwhelming counter violence.
History shows us that when people do not have the means to defend themselves, they will eventually suffer atrocities.
The moral argument is more cut and dried:
A human being is the absolute owner and sovereign over [his] body. As
such, [humans] have an absolute and inalienable right to defend themselves
from aggression by others, by ANY means available or necessary, as long
as those means do not harm other innocent people around them.
Any attempt to deprive [human beings] of the right to defend
themselves is to deny tho[se persons] ownership and sovereignty over their
own body.
As a sovereign individual, a human being has the absolute right to
make mutually-voluntary agreements (contracts) with other human beings,
to keep the products of their labor and justly-acquired property,
whether obtained from labor or contract.
Depriving a human being of the right to keep the fruit of [his] labor
is called “slavery”. Taking a person’s justly-acquired property by
force is called “theft”. Both are aggressions against the person’s
self-ownership and self-determination.
[H]uman being[s ha[ve] the absolute right to voluntarily disarm
themselves. They do not have the right to forcefully disarm others,
interfere with their voluntary relationships with others, take their
property, or engage in any other aggression against another person,
either directly or by proxy.
Any government which restricts or removes the means for innocent
people to defend themselves no longer recognizes those people as free
moral agents. It regards them as subjects, and rejects their most
fundamental rights as owners of their own bodies. Any such government is
de facto a tyranny and illegitimate.
The absolute right to defend one’s self and property is
indistinguishable from and synonymous with the existence of the
individual as a free moral agent.
Disarmed, we are subjects. Armed, we are citizens. As decent
citizens, we have the moral duty to protect ourselves, our loved ones,
and other innocent people from those who would harm us.
Posted by ΛΕΟΝΙΔΑΣ
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