Monday, February 19, 2018

Predictable as The Sunrise

By Thomas DiLorenzo

There’s a big pro-gun-control event in a nearby town where sheeple are “protesting” over the recent incident where another mass shooting occurred at a gun-controlled, “gun-free zone” at a Florida school.  Here’s their “logic”:
  1. Every one of these mass shootings at a public school has been at a school that is a “gun-free zone,” usually by law.
  2. Everyone knows this.
  3. Therefore, to deter such tragedies in the future we need more gun-free-zones at schools, just like the one in Florida where the most recent mass shooting occurred.
UPDATE:  At an anti gun rally in Fort Lauderdale, organized by the Democrat Party and its media whores, the television news showed a number of thirteen-year-old girls used as props reading from prepared scripts denouncing Donald Trump and the National Rifle Association, as though Trump and the president of the NRA were the ones who pulled the trigger of that AR15 and killed all those people.  The theme of the “rally’ was the same as all such rallies, whether the issue is gun control, immigration, whatever:  “We hate Trump!  We hate Trump!  Make Hillary (or someone just like her) president!”

Meanwhile, the already-brainwashed little girls were obviously not aware of the fact that the shooting took place in a “gun-free zone” where everyone was unarmed and defenseless, having adopted the standard public school guns-are-scary ideology of the gun-grabbing Left.  And although congressional offices, the White House, and other government buildings are guarded by heavily-armed security guards, snipers, and missile launchers, there are members of Congress from Florida who support forcing everyone to remain unarmed and defenseless in the government schools.

Posted by  ΛΕΟΝΙΔΑΣ

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