Leonidas predicts that the Kalifornia governor will spare this scum’s life, but would like to call attention to the following:
In its latest roundup of death penalty statistics, ''Capital Punishment, 2004," the federal Bureau of Justice Statistics notes that at least 101 murderers now on death row were already in prison when they murdered their victims; at least 44 others were prison escapees. Lock-'em-up-and-throw-away-the-key may sound appealing. But some murderers will always escape and murder again. Others will kill in prison.
Kalifornia’s collectivists have succeeded in not only extorting tribute from the states taxpayers for such things as tattoo removal for “former” gang members and disarming law abiding citizens but the actual prosecution of citizens attempting to defend and protect themselves and families from lawless gangs.
Leonidas hopes he is mistaken in his prediction of Arnold’s actions but is not sanguine in a just outcome.
Nope. I think this is disgusting.
Nope? Disgusting; YES.
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