The proselytizing activities engaged in by adherents to the "warmista " religion have adopted the propaganda tactics of the recently discredited religion; Communism. One of their major tactics is the " band wagon" ploy:
Let me now try to identify some basic common features of the propagandistic algorithms [pun? Ed] of both the [environmentalist and communist] ideologies; it won't be too hard:
* They convey the message that the opposition doesn't exist.
* If the opposition does exist, it is composed of unsuccessful [losers] who have been defeated decades ago
* The members of the opposition are painted as being controlled by others, usually by demonized sources of power, with hints of corruption; a connection - even indirect connection - with these ultimate "sources of evil" is presented as a complete proof of wrongness.
* The opposition gets tags that are meant to be derogatory - capitalist, Zionist, deniers, renegades, contrarians, reactionary, burgeoisie, oil-funded etc.
* The opposition is presented as being against all the people - and all the people should agree and do agree with that; statements that everyone agrees and everyone keeps on supporting the official position are repeated all the time
* The opposition members are criticized for their very existence and for the tiniest deviations from the official ideology, to assure everyone else that one simply can't join them if he wants to survive.
* The opposition is claimed to misinterpret words and facts even though it is pretty obvious that it is the official party who is doing that.
* The opposing individuals are deconstructed one by one by carefully crafted ad hominem attacks.
* The propaganda openly states that a debate or a dialogue itself is unacceptable and no details of the opponents' opinions are ever analyzed
* Whenever it's possible, the opponents must be fired, denied government grants or otherwise harassed; a penetrating analysis of skeptics' personal lives and attempts to find anything questionable - even if it is completely unrelated to the dispute - is a standard tool of the propaganda.
A good explanation for why this has happened is that those collectivists left adrift by the implosion of the former Soviet bloc have been forced to transfer their efforts to an as yet undiscredited movement. The feminist movement is likewise undergoing an inexorable process of discreditation as a result of its having achieved all of its legitimate objectives and thus in order to continue to exist must rely on espousing more and more extremist and marginal issues.
Additionally, the former communists and their other collectivist kin have largely settled into various facets of the environmentalist movement due to their urge to oppose the free enterprise system. At the bottom of all the collectivist philosophies is a need to exercise control over their fellow man. What better method to advance this control than to dominate and limit the use of energy which is the force driving modern western society and consequently its culture.
Science is science. Consensus is politics. And close examination of many of those part of that "consensus" reveals they are not climatologists,but grant seekers.
Dr. Reid Bryson, University of Wisconsin Professor emeritus is the founding chairman of the department of meteorology at UW-Madison and of the Institute for Environmental Studies, now known as the Gaylord Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies. He retired in 1985, but has gone into the office almost every day since. He does it without pay.So much for "Big Oil" financing the skeptics!
"I have now worked for zero dollars since I retired, long enough that I have paid back the people of Wisconsin every cent they paid me to give me a wonderful, wonderful career. So we are even now. And I feel good about that," said Bryson.
So, if global warming isn't such a burning issue, why are thousands of scientists so concerned about it?
"Why are so many thousands not concerned about it?" Bryson shot back.
"There is a lot of money to be made in this," he added. "If you want to be an eminent scientist you have to have a lot of grad students and a lot of grants. You can't get grants unless you say, 'Oh global warming, yes, yes, carbon dioxide.'"
Speaking out against global warming is like being a heretic, Bryson noted.
In truth, there is no validity to the assertion by the "warmistas" that "the science is settled".
"Government, at all levels, has a vested interest in scaring you into giving up your rights and freedom in favor of tyranny and controlling society. That, quite simply, is what 'global warming' is all about."
HT/ Stephen Milloy
American Thinker
Dunno, sir:
I left a decidedly nonpolitical and nonscientific profession 18 months ago to work for an environmental coalition. Prior to that, I spent a couple months delving into the Global Warming alarmists versus Global Warming skeptics debate. Going back and forth with the science and the arguments. Can't imagine how anyone's who's done the work concludes we're just peachy the way we are. And, what's even more infuriating, is that I'm still schlepping along on my nonprofit salary, waiting for that Global Warming Grants gravy train to roll in. Do I have to be vested or something? As for the big Conspiracy Theory? Gimme a break. We can barely figure out how to keep our e-mail running and our environmentalist friends from stabbing one another in the back; much less orchestrate a massive Communistic Global Revolution.
Mc Dirt,
Thank you for going to the trouble of signing up with blogger to comment here. I hope you are successful in obtaining gainful and honest employment soon. About a "conspiracy" theory, I believe a lemming driven band wagon is more descriptive but at least the unfortunate collectivists now are comfortably at home.
Hmmmm....I still believe the science supports the GW theory. However, the debate does seem to be ruled by invective and unsupported opinion (which, of course, you reserve the right to delete from your site!) Regardless, the labeling of those with opposing viewpoints lemmings and collectivists doesn't really advance the discussion. I'll stick with the science, I'm no match for you with rhetoric, sir! Thank you for allowing my post.
Sort of like deniers, big oil shills and idiot fringe. Thank you for acknowledging that a debate exists. That is the point in a nutshell. Best of luck.
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